John Derrick's Self Development Newsletter

John Derrick

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Manifesting Cards

11 Cent Sale
Eat Right To Feel Great
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High Gas Prices: SOLVED
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Subliminal Videos

Vision Board Book

Binaural Beats

Uplifting DVD's

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Hello {!name_fix},

In this issue we cover:

Nov 11 Brings You Something Special

How To Make Big Changes With Little Effort

Your Emails - My Replies

The Negative Effects of the News



, November 11th is coming upon us once again.  As you may already know, I named my company eleven eleven, for many of the reasons I outline here.

I am planning something HUGE for 11/11/2008. 

A one of a kind contest is also in the works...  with prizes for everyone!

Keep your eyes peeled, more information will be in the next newsletter.



Dear ,

Imagine changing absolutely ANYTHING in your life...

... In just SIXTY MINUTES?

That's what happened to your fellow reader, Emily Schwartz.

She was an overweight smoker with lungs full of tar. She completely lacked in confidence around men, and would consistently burn-out while trying to prove herself as a fresh-faced attorney.

Until, that is, as a last ditch attempt, she finally looked into the world of subliminal CDs.

Emily bought a few CDs, on my recommendation. She played the relaxing CDs as she fell asleep each night. She also put the sixty-minute CDs on loop for maximum effect.

Now, two weeks later --- and the change is unbelievable.

She's done a total 360. She has never been so confident. She's suddenly the least stressed-out person she knows.... started dating
... and she ditched the nicotine habit after JUST 24 HOURS -- without trying, and without problematic "pangs" or "urges."

This is how subliminal products work.

And after getting an email from her this morning, I feel so inspired, that I've decided to write to share the official Subliminal CDs website with you too.

Feel free to try it out for yourself.

The main reason I recommend people to this particular site, is because they have subliminal CD's on just about every topic imaginable...
...AND I trust them.

I have spoke with the owner of that company more than once and he is a man of impeccable character and is truly dedicated to self development.

I also like that they offer an instant download option as well as a physical audio CD version.

Of course...  I like that the prices are dirt cheap too! 

They offer a total money-back guarantee -- but I've never heard of anyone needing to use it. 

After you use this , drop me an email with your success story too and with your permission I'll include it in a future newsletter.



I have been getting a LOT of emails about Conversational Hypnosis, which I covered in the 10-01-2008 newsletter. 
Here are two of them... one for and one against.



Mary Gregg writes:   (talking about Conversational Hypnosis)

The timing was purfect.   This week was my yearly review and I used it to talk my way into the best raise I ever got.  I got a 90 cent raise when I expected a 20cent one. My company is having a hard year this year but it still worked.  I have no doubt that it is what made the big differnce.           -Mary Gregg

My Reply:

Congratulations Mary!  Don't give all the credit to the Conversational Hypnosis course, it was YOU that put the effort into purchasing it and using it!  I can't imagine a better use for such a technique than to help express your worth to your employer and get the raise that you feel you deserve.      - John Derrick


Josh Anderson writes: (talking about Conversational Hypnosis)

 I honestly cant believe that you linked us to that. Now people all over the world are going to be using this kind of tricky language control on me.  I bought it not because I want to control others but because I want to make sure no one using this garbage to control my actions. Already I can see some of this in several commercials and when I hear politicians talk about the economy.

My Reply,

Josh, I warned that this material is not suited for everyone.  I knew I took a risk when I wrote about it in that newsletter. If it's the truth, and it helps people, then I feel compelled to share it.  Like you, I don't desire to control others, but I do wish to better communicate my thoughts and you can't deny it certainly shows us how to do that.  Yes... I agree....  once you discover these techniques you will begin to spot them in use all around you.


Lastly, I would like to warn everyone about getting caught up in news negativity.  I am getting a lot of emails from people who have been watching the news non-stop because of the stock market decline (and now subsequent rebound) and political chaos.

If you focus on the positives in your life...  and if everything is going well in your life  RIGHT NOW... in the moment....  then why let other people's bad news bring you down?

Now, if there is some area in your life that needs work done, then by all means seek a way to improve it.... but just know that the media gets higher ratings when it runs negative stories... so you can be sure that the majority of stories run will be negative and sensationalized.

Worrying in general will only make your life worse: physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Sure, you may feel the need to be informed, but judge your life by what's happening to you... in your life. 

Not by what MAY happen to you tomorrow, according to the news.

On a good note...  Monday the stock market had record gains.

Be informed...  but remain positive and upbeat.  

Life is wonderful!

Best Wishes,

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Keep sending me your email.   I love hearing from you.


Past Articles:

A Most Unusual and Dangerous Secret

Hard To Believe Story About The Law of Attraction

A Lesson In The Law of Attraction From A 9 Year Old

How You Can Shape Your Life With Your Habits

Make Money With Your Digital Camera

How Subliminal Videos Really Work

Special Offer On The Quantum Cookbook

Pictures From My Trip To Yellowstone National Park

Improve Your Mood Immediately

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That's it for this weeks newsletter. 

Best Wishes,


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