Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Law of Attraction Quote To Live By!

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for. Epicurus So many people are full of envy and jealousy… even though they know that their thoughts and feelings are creating the reality that they live.  The first step …Continue reading

Being in Service Of Others

Service is the rent you pay for room on this planet. -Shirley Chisholm

Positive Thinking In Spring

An optimist is the human personification of spring. -Susan J. Bissonette It is March 29th… spring has sprung… and yet as I type this I look out my office window to see snow on the ground. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have been hit with a snow storm. No one expects it to last. …Continue reading

Quantum Cookbook: Manifesting – (With Huge Bonus Below)

The Quantum Cookbook Most of you know that I have been studying The Law of Attraction and the power of Manifesting most of my adult life…. long before it was it was given the title “Law of Attraction”. I have cured myself of two diseases doctors claimed incurable, lost over a 100lbs, and improved my …Continue reading

Perception is everything…

All of us see the world differently, because people see what they want to see. If you wanted to break it down it would require a complicated formula that took into account your childhood, value system, religious beliefs, every influence in your life and your genetic makeup. Yeah… that would be one complicated formula. When …Continue reading

First Step To Success & Law of Attraction

The First Step When I created Your Secret Course, the first thing I did was create a way for you to discover exactly what it is in your life that is not working for you. I know this may sound negative, but it is the first step to having the life of your dreams. After …Continue reading

Law of Attraction – Act Now! Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone!

The Law of Attraction – Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone The Universe Likes Speed – Do not hesitate or procrastinate when you feel inspired to do something. When you feel the urge, tug or pull from the universe… when you feel inspired…. you must take action NOW. Don’t wait to think it over. When working …Continue reading

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