Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Law of Attraction

Bob Proctor’s Free Tele-Seminar and Web-Seminar begins in less than 24 hours.

Free Tele-Seminar and/or Web Seminar with Bob Proctor begins in less than 24 hours. I invited everyone on my newsletter to this event, but there is still room for a few more. JUST CLICK HERE <— It’s 100% Free The 11 forgotten laws are going to cover the 10 laws that work WITH the Law …Continue reading

I Am Thankful For…

I AM THANKFUL FOR … Author Unknown The partner who hogs the covers every night, because he/she is not out with someone else. The child who is not cleaning his room, but Is watching TV, because that means he Is at home and not on the streets. For the taxes that I pay,because it means …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction Contest Winners Announced

I am happy to announce the winners of the Law of Attraction contest. Yes, I made a video of the actual drawing. Bear with me here….  I am new to using this camera and tripod and when you combine that with the unpredictability of children…  well…. You’ll see what happens… Congratulations to all the winners. …Continue reading

My Free Gift To You

Happy 11-11 everyone. Here it is…  my free gift to you: It’s been a crazy busy day for me! The Giant Sale going on now has been a GIANT success! More news to come…

The Law of Attraction + Self Development + Internet Marketing + Home Income + Money Savings HUGE PACKAGE is live!

As long as that title appears to be, I stil did not cover it all. It’s the largest package ever put together… for an insanely low price… and it’s going live right now! Hurry!  Don’t Wait… The timer is already counting down! 24 hours is all this sale will last…. and then it will …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction In Action – The U.S. Election

The Law of Attraction was indeed in action during the Nov 4th presidential election. Anyone who is a student of the Law of Attraction should have seen this coming. NOTE:  I am not endorsing any candidate, I am just looking at the election strictly from a law of attraction point of view. Here is what …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction – The Dark Side

I have to admit, the law of attraction stung me today and it’s all my fault. You see, just because I wrote a best selling course on the Law of Attraction, doesn’t mean that I am immune from mistakes of my own!  I find it a bit funny though, since I covered this specific topic …Continue reading

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