Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Stop Wanting and Start Having

Thoughts Create Your Reality! – New Years Eve!

Hard to believe that 2015 is hours away from being behind us. It’s the time to set resolutions for the New Year. My resolution is to be more active on this blog.  I miss all of you and writing posts here help me as much as they do anyone else. What do you hope to …Continue reading

You Reap What You Sow

Most of us are familiar with this saying.  It is loosely taken from the bible (Galationas 6: 7-9). Most people only apply this to a negative aspect of someone’s life.  For example if someone wasted their life on booze and drugs and they are found dead in a ditch one day someone may say “you …Continue reading

Secret Coupon Deal Is LIVE

Right now there is a special 11-11-11 celebration going on, with a secret coupon that is only available to members of my newsletter. I am only posting this here to let you know that if you are not on my newsletter you are missing out on this and on all the future celebrating, specials and …Continue reading

Why A Garden Is Like The Law of Attraction

I enjoy working in my garden.  It never feels like work to me. In the early spring I plant the seeds, knowing full well that later in the year I will be able to eat wonderful foods that came from my efforts. So today, I was working in my garden, and I realized that the …Continue reading

It is Okay to be Broke, But NEVER Be Poor!

Not having enough money at any particular time is a lot different than being poor. Let me explain, I have been broke in my past.  So broke in fact that I had to file for bankruptcy.  Sure, I was frustrated, but I never was poor. You see, once I discovered the power of The Secret …Continue reading

The Cure for The One Thing That Stops You From Mastering The Law of Attraction

This is what you have been waiting for! I have worked with hundreds of people one-on-one and with thousands of people who have used the Secret Course, Manifesting Cards, Subliminal Videos and the Quantum Cookbook law of attraction courses. I also have helped countless others on this very site and through my free weekly newsletter. …Continue reading
