Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income


Two Schools of Thought, One Solution

Bad things happen to good people. I am sure you have had something negative happen to you in your life. So why do bad things happen?  What create them? There are two schools of thought out there when it comes to the world. #1 You have no control over everything that happens outside of you …Continue reading

Staying Positive – Avoid This….

Staying positive for 7 day…. and only allowing positive thoughts, may be harder than it first appeared. This has made me aware of how many non-happy or non-positive thoughts I allow in my own daily routines. Here is one popular pitfall that should be avoided: Entertainment: I quit watching the nightly news years ago because …Continue reading

Just returned from Sedona AZ – A Very Spiritual Trip

For a long time I have felt drawn to visit Sedona Arizona, but I had no idea that Sedona was this awe inspiring. To be honest, these pictures do not do justice to the breath taking scenery. I had a wonderful time in Sedona, and to be honest with you it was hard for me …Continue reading

Jenna Inspires Me To Do Something HUGE On July 22nd

The video says it all: Be sure you are signed up for my weekly newsletter (top right of this page) to get more details as we close in on July 22nd. It’s a little over a week away, so I am going to be busy putting everything together! Blessing to you, John Derrick

Why A Garden Is Like The Law of Attraction

I enjoy working in my garden.  It never feels like work to me. In the early spring I plant the seeds, knowing full well that later in the year I will be able to eat wonderful foods that came from my efforts. So today, I was working in my garden, and I realized that the …Continue reading

Want to have a great day? Do This…

Here is a neat little trick that anyone can do to make their day… and it is 100% free! Close your eyes and search your mind for something that makes you happy. Not something forced or something that SHOULD make you happy, but rather something that brings you pure joy. You will know when you …Continue reading

Nothing outside of you can make you feel badly

No matter how bad a situation is, ultimately it is you who is in charge of how you react to it. I know it may be hard to believe, but no one can make you angry.  No one can make you cry. Yes, people can behave in ways that you do not prefer, but ultimately …Continue reading

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