Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Health Food

My Raw Food Confession

I must confess that I left the raw food diet for Thanksgiving. My thought was that  I would simply go back to raw the day after thanksgiving, but that is not what happened.  It was not until yesterday that I returned to eating all raw all day. Before I tell you what happened, I want …Continue reading

Raw Food Diet – My Personal Results Day 17

I began eating raw on Monday, Oct 25th, which means that today is day 17. I have not been 100% raw, but I have been pretty darn close.  It turns out that the mixed nuts I have been eating a handful of each day, are unsalted dry roasted.   One day I also decided to have …Continue reading

Why Being Raw Is The Best Thing I’ve Ever Felt

As I type this I am drinking my new morning addiction, a smoothie made of fruit.  Today I used Almond Milk as the base instead of water, 1 banana, 2 small apples, 2 large strawberries and 1 pear.  Absolutely yummy! This is Day 11 for me of eating raw. I mostly eat fruit in the …Continue reading

Your Habits Determine Your Success And Failures In Life

It could be said that your successes and failures in life depend upon this one thing. Your Habits! As you sit and read this, everything about you has been created by yesterday’s habits. No, I am not talking about bad habits such as smoking.  I am talking about the habits that make up everyday life.  …Continue reading

Shocking Dairy Detox – This will blow your mind!

I am not a vegan… and not a vegetarian. I don’t have any strange eating habits . But I have been a milk drinking, cheese eating dairy lover since I was a small child. I grew up drinking milk every single day in my breakfast cereal and as a snack after school and the drink …Continue reading

Eat Your Way To Feeling Better – 11 Cent Sale!

Feel Incredible & Energized… For .11 Cents!! Most of you already know my back story and how my life has been flipped upside down…. for the better…. but for those of you who don’t… You can discover how I accidentally lost 100lbs and went from a crazy coffee & energy drinker to someone who wakes …Continue reading

Shocking Weight Loss Revelation

We have a water cooler in our home because my family and I drink a lot of water. Even the neighbor kids love to drink water when they can get it ice cold from a water cooler. I was carrying in one of the large 5 gallon jugs to put on top of the cooler …Continue reading
