Contact Me
The fastest and best way to contact me is to use the following link:
Email can and does get lost, misrouted and accidentally caught by my spam filter.

Look At All That Junk Mail!
I get thousands of emails a week, and I don’t want to miss yours, so please use the link above to contact me quickly and securely. (Yes, it will send my reply to you via email, or you can revisit that page and see my reply there, just in case my email to you is lost)
If you want to write to me via US Mail,
John Derrick
301 Yakima #4651
Wenatchee, WA 98807
Yes, you can mail your payment for any of my products to that mailing address also.
Remember, the best way to contact me is here:
Hello John!!
I’m from Portugal and new here and I’ve been reading a lot a enjoying it, and i would like an insight to a product i bout a wile back at a selfhelpstreet site.
The product is called Subliminal Power and the site . I’ve barely used it for reasons i my self do not recall, but now I’m starting again. Just you opinion since i don’t have any one here to talk about this subjects openly. Sad I now. And I appreciate the help.
Tank You.
Hey Sérgio,
Subliminal Power is worth to recommend and practice. Additionally, I would suggest to check out I got great results with it. worth to try.
I love this site!
Hi john – I have been trying subliminal videos for the last moth and not much is happening – also I have been looking into the law of attraction items when I came accross a very confusing part explanation :that is why it has always been said that you will finally be able to have what you want when you no longer want it. It does not mean that you no longer want it, but you are no longer in a state of wanting it. How on earth is this consistant with visualisation techniques and affirming and dreaming and all the concepts to manifest and have No doubts -especially when it comes to a loving relationship -how does it work when you are trying to be positive which creates desire for the outcome and then we are told not to want or feel for it – become detatched and then you will have it?? I really dont understand. Thanks ,Peter
hi john . john if i buy your package from you can you send me my subliminal messages viea e-mail instead of waiting for them in the post as i live in IRELAND and wood take to long. i watchd your free subliminal message and lots of realy nice things start happening to me, all good. thanks . irish anthony
Thanks John for all the info and great website to make a decission on the manifesting products.
I was so supprised to see that your out of East Wenatchee, WA
I was born, raised in wenatchee area and graduated from Eastmont High School, as well as my two sons.
I have used subliminal power in the past with good results, until my puter crashed and losted it all. year of work down the drain. I was able to save 8 pages of affirmations.
I have always had and interest in self help products and desired to be an afilliate in marketing them. Just didnt get it up and runing.
I have leaned more twards using Gods Word for bringing the things into existance that are nought, by subliminal prayer, and graditude, as well as concience. This method does improve the time for manifest.
Avoiding conscience mind, but allowing it to know what you are doing so it can agree with the sub is needed according to the scriptures.
Waiting for right timing, with the understanding that God has to put things in right order sometimes knows whats best for us, and may have something better instore for us , than what we may desire.
I have been blessed with a wife, a home, good jobs, but stepping stones to a business,. Not riches by any means, but prosperity.
I have experienced many years of suffering from worng desires.
I made a lot of mistakes in 08 investing money in silver and not selling at the right time, getting involved with a co worker which could have destroyed my marriage, and lost more money in Forex out of ignorance, and impatience.
Circumstances for wrong desires created is devestating, and all is vanity.
Through my own experience I have repeating patterns, that need to be changed no matter how many desires are received or acheived.
These repeating patterns causes destruction in our lives. Then we are no better off then where we were before. Our creative power can be dangerous, evil and distructive, oviously, by what we see in the world.
Even with prayer and understanding of the universal laws and abiding in the Word, I do feel that we need all the help we can get in changing habits, attitude, losing pride, becoming humble servents and loving others.
Because of lack of control, addictive cycles have re surfaced, and I am in need to remove them, remove debt, again! And re evaluate, re create my enviorment.
Because of my impatience to wait months or years, as they go by so very fast, and being at age 50, I am very much interested in a faster way of tapping into the sources of creative power, staying within Gods will, of course.
But in using methods other than honest comunnication with the Father, feels so mechanical and of the self.
Im kind of up in the air. I would love to market the self help products and have a shop in the mall as what your doing.
I think it is so wonderful that you were healed of two deseases. I have always had a heart felt desire to heal others.
Please advise,
I purchased the whole course with the asesome discout.
Thanks John for the all the awesome bonuses of books and free products to market with the affiliate wealth course.
I loved the course and couldn’t stop reading until I was done.
Everything I have read so far aligns with the truth . The only thing I didn’t care for and was offended by was the statement that there was no instruction manual for living?. It is The WORD, The HOLY Scriptures,
The Laws of the Universe, given to us by our Father God, Creator, Lord and Savior whom has restored us to himself and all things
from the fallen nature.
The comment about information changing through time? The Word of God has not changed, and has been prov en 98 percent accurate by archeology. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
With that understanding, accepting our Lord as God manifested in the flesh, and His self Sacrifice, and Ressurection from the dead, we have Eternal Life. Enough said.
As I was reading, scripture poured out to me confirming the methods you were talking about.
I am absorbing everything like a sponge. It is to bad that we are not tought these methods through childhood to carry on into
our adult life. That we have become slaves to those with the secret knowldge., and blinded from the teachings of Christ.
Disipline and persverense is not easy with all the distractions in life. I am excited about doing some reprograming, and
fulfilling my financial needs as well as starting up an internet marketing business.
I have been looking for the right affiliate progrom to work on the internet for some time. I feel your site and products is very helpful
and life changing for people and want to be a part of that.
As I mentioned I had purchased subliminal power from my helphub a couple years ago and programed it with all the promise’s
of the Lord for Financing, healing, and spirtual battle. It is a wonderful tool. Unfortunatly my computer crashed and I lost everything.
I definantly will back up all the products I have received this time.
I look forward to your help and working with you on marketing these awesome products.
I really reccommend that you edit the above mentioned statements from your book. I understand not wanting to affend those
who choose not to believe the truth, but you are affending the very God that is giving you what you ask for by denying His truth.
The Universe is a creation, God the Father is the creator, sustainer, and giver of all lthings. It doesnt make since to ask the
maker of all things what you want and not believe in Him.
You can however, except doctrines of demons and they will
manifest your desires to hell on a rocket.
—– Original Message —–
From: “John Derrick”
To: “Randy pratt”
Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 9:00:15 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Law of Attraction With A Twist
Let’s Play a Game
Hello Randy pratt, would you like to play a game with me?
You don’t get to know the rules of the game. You don’t get to know the object of the game. You will play it with me, and many others. You do not know if we are competing or not, and if we are, you have no idea on what the prize is. In fact, you have no idea what the game is about at all. Oh, did I mention that you are already playing it? You call it life.
Isn’t that the truth? You were born into this world without an instruction manual of any kind. All the information that you have comes from third parties. Everything you think you know has been taught to you from other players of the game.
Do they have an agenda? Are they playing the game well? Do they know the truth about the game? Do you want to play the same game they are playing?
Most importantly, where did they get their information? They got their information from players before them who got their information from players before them.
When I was a child, I believe in kindergarten, we did an interesting experiment. All of the children formed a large circle, and the teacher whispered into the ear of the first child, who in turn was to repeat the exact words he was told to the child to his left. It went through 12 kids or so, myself included, before it came back to the teacher.
It was great fun to hear the message that came back, because it had absolutely nothing to do with the original message. In fact, the message had changed and distorted so many times that the original creator of the message, the teacher, didn’t recognize the message at all when it returned to her.
This was done by passing a message through only 12 people. How many millions of people and countless generations have passed their messages on to you? Would the originators of these messages recognize the message as it is told today?
That is a lot to think about I know, but it is certainly worth a thought. You are where you stand now, because you have been playing the game of life without an instruction manual.
This course does not claim to hold all the information of the universe. Consider it the foundation to playing the game. You are about to learn the most important rules for the game you are playing. You are about to find out how the game itself works.
What you just read was the introduction to Your Secret Course.
It’s a good way to realize that you believe the way you believe because of outside programming. All of your beliefs about the world and your life have been handed down generation after generation. Yet I suspect that in this course you will find secrets that no one has ever taught you. No movie has ever shown you. Secrets that will change your life forever once they are revealed to you.
Change Your Life Forever.
This message was sent by:
John Derrick
331 Vally Mall Parkway 327, East Wenatchee,
Wa, 98802,
To unsubscribe or edit your subscription:
Heres the truth of the game of life.
We were created to have relationship, worship, and glorify God as sons of God with an Inheritence of all things. Because of wanting to be like God, our Nature fell and seperated us from God. Thus the trials and tribulations of life struggle.
We must now be renewed in the knowledge after the image of Him that created us. Santified, and transformed, into the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirt with in us, to become sons of God again, and re inheirit all things with Christ.
This information was given and spread all over the world and still is.
All we have to do is live by faith, accept Gods gift of eternal life
through Christ.
God gives us what we want, but we have been trained like John says to suffer and not ask.
Jesus said until now you have asked for nothing in my name.
Ask, that you may receive and your joy be made full.
In everything with prayer and sublication, with thanksgiving
make your requests known to God.
Ask anything in my name and I will do it. Magic name (Jesus)
The power of the tounge is a creative force that sets the course
of nature. Who can control it.
Life and death is in the power of the tounge. Use it wisely my friends.
After downloading the free video i chose to pay the 24.00 for the other dvd. When i paid through paypal there was no option to download video. I instantly recieved a thank you email for my purchase and being apart of a mailing list. Please help me locate the video to download
Hello Briana,
I have sent you the download information to your email box.
If you have any further questions, please open a ticket in my support desk using the link below.
Have a wonderful weekend,
– John Derrick
I am in a hard time in my life right now. I need for new doors to open. I was told about this book at work..I have not yet started reading it but i hope it will help me feel happy again
Thanx for shairing with me. U have made my life much better.
Hello John,
I am in awe of you and your knowledge which is very wise. I have been following your new found wisdom for sometime now. I myself have been studying metaphysics since 1994 and just recently I feel I have suddenly began to basically “:get it”. The key is coming to me now.
The universe has been sending me trials and tribualtions to test my ability and balance in maintaining a constant positive frame of mind targeted towards love, joy and prosperity. I am proud to say I am defeating negativity and fear. I am not about to back down this time around.
My rythmn is gaining speed and momento. I think a good way of putting it without sounding lame is “I have seen the light”. I put my complete trust in God and know he will help me rise above all limitations. For me love is the answer in helping me achieve what I consider to be success.
I am just so grateful for God showing me the truth and his guidance teaching me to see beyond any apparent matter and to give up attachment to people, places or things. I am aware of the societal lies and feel my spirit has reached the other side.
Enlightenment is so beautiful that I find it addicting to say the least. I am on what I consider to be a treasure hunt always seeking that next drop of wisdom and knowledge that will assure me great wealth and prosperity. I have always thought I would be rich and famous someday. This feeling has been with me since I was able to walk and dance as a child.
Well, I am in the middle part of my years and so I know deep inside my days of riches beyond my wildest imaginations are very close. I know I am rich in body, mind, soul and spirit. I also know I desire to be it finacially. It was without a shadow of a doubt it was negativity, anger and fear that has kept me from achieving my goals. In addition depression that of course followed. All that is old energy and not what I want to manifest nor was it ever. I just did not have the knowledge that I do at this point in time.
I starting writing a few years ago and wrote a book of poetry, almost all free verse titled, “Yesterdays News” sold at My poems are designed to heal people from illusion and a false sense of identity. Right now all I have on that website is the advertisement of my book. I need help setting up a website. I am working on achieving that though.
I am a volunteer healer, distant one right now for the DHN network. I would like to offer my services to the general public in the near future. I am a mental healer and a emotional intuitive with a very unique and powerful energy I am a person who has delt with mental illness personally for most of my life and also someone who has healed from the affects of it and managed to rise above it instead getting it to work for me.
I was wondering how you basically were able to get people to believe in you and gain your fans and popularity? How long has it taken you and how many books have you sold?
I do not want to take up anymore of your present time listening to me endlessly chatter and I thank you for letting me be a part of such a wonderful organization of thought and power.
Love and light,
Pamela Murawski
Hello John Derick,
My name is Vicente and I work with Robert Scheinfeld, author of “Busting Loose From The Money Game.” I just wanted to drop you a line to keep in touch. I hope things are going well for you! Our daily business activities continue to grow and, as usual, I learn more and more every day about myself, and the people I serve. It is exciting to be a part of helping individuals and organizations grow and evolve!
I’ve been monitoring the discussion and commentary on your website ( and felt moved to invite you to consider getting a copy of a new book that just came out. It’s called “Busting Loose From The Business Game,” by Robert Scheinfeld.
It takes the topic of discussion here into a very different place, especially as it relates to money, business and career. Details are here:
I look forward to keeping in touch. If you have some thoughts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our associate, Nancy Hoadley at (
Thanks in advance and I wish you and expansive and joyful day!
Vicente de la Fuente
Assistant to Robert Scheinfeld
send more info
please send more inf
Dear John, I went to the link to email you and it said enter in your mail ticket number which I believe is your email address and then ask for an ID number what is this.I have looked every where to not find a thing about this. I really needed to write you and I am upset that I cannot. can you advise or anyone can u tell me what i am doing wrong. God Bless, Michele R. Rivers
Michele Rivers,
Simply click on the “Open New Ticket” button.
John, I am Martha Perry. My birthday is 11/11. I was just noticing the name of your website. I am new and really looking for free subliminals until I get my business up a running. Thank you, great stuff, Martha Perry
Last year, I purchased all of your three videos. You had instructions regarding which of the four formats (MOV, FLASH, MPEG4 and AVI) was the most effective. I have lost those instructions. Could you provide them again?
Hmm 3 days and no response
I wanted to send you a quick email to let you know of the free website analysis sessions that my team and I have been conducting lately. These sessions are primarily focused in assisting small to medium sized businesses get a head of their competition.
These non-committal, cost-free assessments is a great way for you to gather insight on what needs to be tweaked to make your site an efficient on-line marketing tool to generate more revenue.
If you would like to be scheduled for one of these assessments, let me know when you would be available next week. I will be more than happy to personally conduct them
Hello there! I’m David and I saw your website as I was doing a Yahoo and google search. I would like to find outyour thoughts on how you feel your website is holding up towards your competitors. Is it possible to generate sufficient visitors with it? I ask since I see potential for making it an integral part of your company?s advertising plan. By boosting it and making it more appealing And customer-friendly to your market, it can supply the boost that you will be looking to achieve for the expanding business.
I?ve been in this business for many years and that i have witnessed start-up firms expand exponentially through the use of their webpage to the full . We can reach that goal in 1 or 2 methods.
1. We can build on the actual design and style that you have, by enhancing the layout or introducing much more enjoyable features upon it to hold clients on your site
I am a Digital Marketing Specialist for a Creative Agency.
I was doing some industry benchmarking for a client of mine when I came across your website.
I noticed a few technical errors which correspond with a drop of website traffic over the last 6-8 months which I thought I would bring to your attention.
After closer inspection it appears that your site is lacking in 4 key criteria.
1- Website Speed
2- Link Diversity
3- Domain Authority
4- Competition Comparison
I can send you over the report which shows all of the above and so much more which will help you at least improve your site, its rankings and traffic.
I would love the chance to help as well however, this report will at least give you a gauge on the quality of what I do. If you are interested then please share your requirement and contact details.
Is this the best email to send it to?
Regards, Sincerely- Kelly Willsion email i.d :“
I just checked out your website and I have some ideas I’d like to discuss with you regarding how make it great.
I am a veteran web designer/developer who has almost a decade of experience in both creating websites from scratch and in redesigning existing sites to cater to the modern needs of a company. I offer top-notch results at affordable prices. Please let me know if you are interested in my services and I will gladly reach out though phone.
Bradley Hunt
We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.
Best regards
Sorry wrong email
Are You interested in an advertising service that charges less than $40 monthly and delivers thousands of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Please send me a reply here: and I’ll send more details.
Good day!
I sent you this message because I’d like to know if you need some help with your website. I’m able to work with most of the major programming languages, website platforms, and shopping carts. I specialize in one platform that is truly incredible called WordPress. Developing your site on such an incredible platform that provides you with an incredible number of features allows you to personally make changes to your site in an easy and simple manner.
Current trends on web design aren’t just focused on aesthetics.They also have features integrated with your business processes that hep you run the business easier and gets you more new clients. I’m a web designer/developer working from home who can provide you with all of the features of a modern website, as well as a stunning user-interface.
I’d like to know some of your ideas for the site and provide you with a few of my own as well. Would you be interested to know more about what I can do? If so, I will give you a free consultation over the phone and send you my portfolio. I also guarantee that all my services are done locally and are never outsourced. Please write back to let me know about the best time to contact you. Talk soon!
-Ed Frez
Freelance Web Designer
When was the last time that you checked your website’s ranking on Google? Is it competitive? Are you rocking out with the best in your city and market?
If your answer is “no” to either of these questions, you’re going to want to read further. Having your website come up at the top of search results is essential in making your website more profitable for your business. I’ll help you achieve that for a reasonable and really affordable price.
I am a Web marketing specialist, and I saw that you could use some help with your website’s ranking in search engines like Google. I deliver excellent results yet my services are affordable that even small businesses can afford them. If you’re interested, I’d be glad to provide you with a free consultation so that I can share with you all the information that will be helpful for your business. Please reply to let me know when is the best time for a call. Talk to you soon!
Bradley Hunt
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