Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Discover The Secret To Long Life… Live Beyond Your 100th Birthday!

Life is a wonderful adventure and I for one am not ready to step off this planet any time soon. In fact, I see no reason why you and I can not live to see our 100th birthdays. Join me in me quest to become a Centenarian! A centenarian is a person who has attained …Continue reading

Consumer Warning: Avoid Obopay

Just a warning to all my loyal readers: . Obopay is a new company who claims you can use any mobile phone to get, send or spend money. They want to be the cellphone version of eBay owned Paypal. WARNING: Read The Small Print… …weekly because it changes! When I signed up with Obopay they …Continue reading

Free Images From I-Stock Photo

As you browse around the internet you may notice that most websites use photo’s and art images on their web sites. As a website owner (aka: webmaster) I am in constant need for stock photography. The easiest way for me to get royality free stock photos is to purchase them from a website, such as …Continue reading

Worrying Away Your Prosperity and Abundance

There is no reason why you should spend a single minute of your time worrying. Nothing good can come from it. It may seem natural to worry occasionally, when difficult situations arise… but some people worry often, usually focusing on a specific area of their life, such as health, a relationship, children, or money. Worse …Continue reading

The Truth About Hypnosis and Hypnosis Scripts

Unfortunately when people hear the word Hypnosis what springs to mind for many is a stage act, where a hypnotist grabs an unsuspecting audience member and swings a pocket watch in front of their face while chanting “you are getting sleepy”. The act usually ends with the hypnotized person doing something embarrassing such as clicking …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction Saved My Life

Sounds a bit dramatic right?  I know…  But it happens to be true. I finally have decided to come clean and share my personal Law of Attraction story. When you open up like that and share your darkest moments to the world…  there are certainly some mixed feelings.  It is certainly worth it though, if …Continue reading

Working For Free – A Plan To Become Wealthy

Most people would never consider working for free as a way to become wealthy. No, I have not lost my mind as you will soon see. In fact, after reading this article, you may find yourself on a new path to wealth. If you want to be wealthy, I suggest that you begin by working …Continue reading

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