Get a Free Shopping Spree at

Are you familiar with the new If not, you really need to take a look. They may have began as an online bookstore, but they have grown into the worlds largest internet store. They carry everything you can imagine, from clothes and apparel to high end electronics. They even have an online grocery store. Not …
Manifest A House – Law of Attraction – Give Away

Spring has sprung, and it is the perfect time to Manifest a House! I know the Manifest a House product works for those who use it, regardless of your credit status, income or age. We are dealing with universal laws that go way deep into the creation of reality. They transcend credit scores or bank loans. Inside Manifest …
The Law of Attraction Contest Winners Announced
I am happy to announce the winners of the Law of Attraction contest. Yes, I made a video of the actual drawing. Bear with me here…. I am new to using this camera and tripod and when you combine that with the unpredictability of children… well…. You’ll see what happens… Congratulations to all the winners. …