Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

secret course

Why A Garden Is Like The Law of Attraction

I enjoy working in my garden.  It never feels like work to me. In the early spring I plant the seeds, knowing full well that later in the year I will be able to eat wonderful foods that came from my efforts. So today, I was working in my garden, and I realized that the …Continue reading

What made you think you could do that?

“What made you think you could do that?” I have heard that question more than once in my life.  I heard it when I decided to write my first book.  I heard it when I decided to quit my job and work from home….  and now I am hearing it because I have decided to …Continue reading

Bob Proctors The 11 Forgotten Laws? Not So Fast!

The 11 Forgotten Laws? . The 11 forgotten laws seminar with Bob Proctor is now over.  I saw that a lot of you attended using the free passes that I gave away. I am curious as to what everyone thought about it? You can see some of video clips here and read about the product …Continue reading
