Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income


Set A Goal For Yourself – Today!

Set a goal, to achieve something so big, So exhilarating that it excites and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, So much in harmony with your spiritual core, That you cannot get it out of your mind. This goal must be one that will dominate your …Continue reading

Motivational Movie

I was just sent this motivational video in email, so I thought I would link to it for all of you.   212: The Extra Degree

Money Is NOT Evil

I was speaking with a man yesterday, who told me that his pastor had taught him, that money was the root of all evil. Gary was so convinced that money was in fact the root of all evil, that each month he would pay all his bills and give all his remaining money to his …Continue reading

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