Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Bob Proctors The 11 Forgotten Laws? Not So Fast!

The 11 Forgotten Laws With Bob Proctor

The 11 Forgotten Laws With Bob Proctor

The 11 Forgotten Laws?


The 11 forgotten laws seminar with Bob Proctor is now over.  I saw that a lot of you attended using the free passes that I gave away.

I am curious as to what everyone thought about it?

You can see some of video clips here and read about the product Bob Proctor has put together, which is called…  you guessed it:  The 11 Forgotten Laws


Did anyone here purchase the 11 forgotten laws product?

I have to admit, I have not purchased the product yet.  Honestly, I am not sure if I am going to purchase it.

Here is why…

YES, I have been a fan of Bob Proctor’s for many years. He is a well respected teacher by almost everyone.  I know that he was in The Secret, and I know that there is a LOT of BUZZ about this 11 forgotten laws.


Even though the economy is falling apart and the news delivers one negative story after another….

My Life Is Great!

Using the Secret Course method, I have lost a LOT of weight, made a LOT of money, found a deep love with my wife and kids that never existed before and possess an attitude of extreme gratitude.

I feel like the luckiest man alive!

I work from home, get to spend time with my kids and feel incredibly optimistic about the future, not just for me, but for the world in general.

I have to ask myself “If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”


I’m not saying that I have all the answers, but when things have been consistently good, and getting better year after year, using the Secret Course, should I dilute my attention by creating 11 rules (or laws) that I must follow?

What I am doing now only takes a few minutes first thing in the morning and a few minutes before I go to bed.  That’s it.

Of course I watched the subliminal videos for awhile and reprogrammed my mind…  but I don’t need them anymore.

Yes….  I am using Brain Evolution to bring me deep calm and relaxation.  IT IS MY STRESS BUSTER!

I believe it also increases my energy and allows me to think clearer. All of which are benefits of meditation, it just so happens that Brain EV takes me into deeper meditation than anything I have tried thus far.

Brain Evolution does NOT try to change the rules or add additional rules onto the law of attraction.

What if by adding more rules, or laws, I become sidetracked, or I find them hard to follow and then find myself feeling negative about not being able to follow them all exactly.

It takes me back to my original question of “If my life is going great… and the law of attraction is flowing through me powerfully, using the Secret Course method, what is my motive to change horses in the middle of the race?”

So what is YOUR opinion on the 11 forgotten laws?

As always…  I love to hear from you.

December 17, 2008 This post was written by Categories: 11 Forgotten LawsBob ProctorBook - Dvd - ProductsLaw of AttractionManifesting Tagged with:

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