Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Why I Love Working From Home – A Top 10

1) My KIDS: I am so thankful that I don’t have to send my kids off to a daycare. I love being at home when my first grader comes home from school. It’s great that strangers are not taking care of their scraped knees.

2) My Hours : I have always resisted structure in my life. Certainly, some structure is good, especially when you are raising three children (you don’t want to make 3 separate breakfasts, lunches and dinners everyday), but I am thankful I am not forced to be somewhere for eight (or more) hours everyday.

3) No Boss: I feel that I am the best boss for me. 🙂

4) My Food: I’m thankful I can prepare whatever food I want each day. I don’t have to rely on un-healthy fast food chains and I have all the convenience of home at my job, because…. well…. my job is at home.

5) My Gas: No, I don’t mean the smelly kind that comes after a great Mexican meal, although I do get to do that all I want at my job because there is no one to complain. Rather, I am talking about gasoline, of which I need none of. My transportation to work are my two legs as I walk from my bedroom to my office; the mileage is great!

6) Time : I live in a small town and the nearby city is about 20 minutes away, which means my commute time to a job would be about 30 minutes to and from. So that is 1 hour (60 minutes) everyday that I gain just by working at home.

7) Clothes: I can dress however I feel like each day. Even though I talk to people all day, none of them will have any clue as to how I am dressed. This saves some money too. I wont even tell you what I am wearing right now. 😉

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8) Breaks: Yep, I take breaks. But I get stuff done on my breaks too. I take a lunch with my children everyday, and they are thrilled about that. I get a load of laundry going (thankfully for all of us, my wife Patti does the folding). If something needs done around the house, I can tackle it whenever I want to. My boss wont mind.

9) Environment: I really like my work environment. I set the temperature and I select the music if I choose to play any. I can surround myself with as much or as little as I want, and I can put anything I want to up on the walls. I suppose I am environmentally friendly too, since I don’t drive to work.

10) Freedom: I can take any day off that I want to. It’s great to go to the movies on a Wednesday day, there are no lines. Taking a vacation during the work week is a great way to save money and avoid crowds. Camping on Tuesdays is like having the mountain to yourself.

That’s my top 10 reasons I enjoy working from home. What are yours?

May 11, 2007 This post was written by Categories: Abundance & WealthMotivationalTop 5 ListWork From Home 6 comments

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