Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

John Derrick – Personal

1:11am Unexpected Wake Up

It was 1:10 am, and I was sound asleep with my wife. Next thing I know I am wide awake in bed and the house is shaking and there is a loud rumbling noise. Suddenly, all is quite. I look at the clock… 1:11 and smile. Turns out we had a 2.8 magnitude earth quake. …Continue reading

Pictures of YellowStone National Park – My Road Trip.

(There is a Surprise for you at the end of this post) I wanted to share some of the photos I snapped while on my family trip to Yellowstone National Park.   They are all taken with my humble point and shoot Canon SD600.  Those of you who know, that means this camera only has a …Continue reading

Money in your pocket – Yellowstone and more.

Oh my gosh there is so much going on here that I don’t know where to begin. It’s been two weeks since my last post here.  It’s amazing how fast time goes by. I am back from my family vacation to Yellowstone National park.  We had a blast!  There was a lot more there to …Continue reading

Bob Doyle – Sneak Peak At Boundless Living – BEFORE It Even Opens!

The following is taken from my Free Weekly Email Newsletter. BREAKING NEWS: I was on the phone with Bob Doyle, from the hit movie “The Secret” Monday night. He asked me if I wanted to be involved with a new project he is planning to reveal to the world on July 20th. “The Boundless Living …Continue reading

How the Law of Attraction Saved My Life

I was asked the other day to explain how the law of attraction has changed my life.  She wanted to know beyond the money and on a deeper level, how has my life been changed. I must tell you that I didn’t begin by learning what is called “The Law of Attraction”.  In fact my …Continue reading

How A Child, A Magnet and My PC = 11 Cent Sale Delay

You may have noticed that I have not written an update since Saturday. As you are about to hear, there is a good reason for this. It all began when my internet connection stopped working on my main PC. I have two more computers in my office and both of these were working fine. So …Continue reading

Not Everything Magically Goes Smooth Everyday

Just because I have used the Law of Attraction to drastically improve my life (read about it here) it doesn’t mean that I no longer have any challenges! What would the point of life be if there were no challenges for you? This weekend I offered everyone a free subliminal video that is designed to …Continue reading

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