Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Self Development

How to Make Time Work For You

Is time working for you or against you? Seems like a funny question, but everyday time is either helping you in your efforts or it is hurting you.  Let’s take a closer look at how time affects your goals.   Money  Time working for you: If you have money invested in an interest making account, …Continue reading

Thoughts Create Your Reality! – New Years Eve!

Hard to believe that 2015 is hours away from being behind us. It’s the time to set resolutions for the New Year. My resolution is to be more active on this blog.  I miss all of you and writing posts here help me as much as they do anyone else. What do you hope to …Continue reading

Where did that unwanted thought come from?

I have to admit, I have gotten better over the years.  I have.  But it still happens sometimes. I sit down in the morning, clear my mind and begin to manifest my reality.  I make my day in my mind how I want to see it.  I focus on attracting to me what I want …Continue reading

Zen12 – Making Meditation Easy

What if you could meditate for just 12 minutes in a day and get the same results that take guru’s a full hour? Now you can, or at least that is what they claim over at Zen12. (Try it free: ) As the creator of Extraordinary Health Meditation, I am well practiced in …Continue reading

Health benefits of meditation

Meditation is very good for your mind and body. Here are just a few of the health benefits (taken from Extraordinary Health Meditation)   Reducing and Controlling Blood Pressure  Murphy and Donovan, The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation, Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1997 Chronic Pain Reduced more than 50% Kabat-Zinn, Clinical Journal of Pain …Continue reading

Feeling Comfortable Might Not Be A Good Thing

Everyone has their range of comfort often referred to as a “comfort zone.” This is an area in which you feel comfortable and safe. What is comfortable for me may well not be part of your comfort zone, however, and what you feel perfectly comfortable doing may not be part of my comfort zone. As …Continue reading

Happy Healthy New Year!!

Happy New Year {!firstname_fix} May the new year bring you health and happiness! The easiest way to find and keep incredible health well into your fifties, sixties and beyond retirement can be found here: Extraordinary Health If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. It’s an easy to listen to guided audio that …Continue reading

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