Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Self Improvement

Odds Are, You Are Richer Than You Think!

I can’t speak for everyone who reads this, but odds are you are richer than you think. With all the negative news about the economy, and people losing their jobs, there is a lot of fear out there right now, which is why I choose to look at my life from a slightly different angle… …Continue reading

Positive or Negative? How do you measure?

I went to the post office to mail off a special package for one of my readers who lives in Quebec today.   She was the nicest lady.  Just talking to her on the phone put me in a better than usual mood. When I entered the post office the woman behind the counter asked, “How …Continue reading

10 Easy Ways To End Procrastination Today

Procrastination can rob you of wealth, health and happiness.  Procrastination is the difference between barely getting by and living like a king.  Procrastination puts the man or woman of your dreams into the arms of another.  Procrastination  steals your youth and throws it away. I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic, but procrastination is your …Continue reading

Which is in Control, The Conscious or Subconscious Mind?

Deb wrote in to ask me this important question. “Which is in control, the conscious mind or the subconscious mind?” It is a good question, with an answer that will most likely surprise you. Your conscious mind is that part of your mind that you are aware of.  It is what you use to decide …Continue reading

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope that 2009 is the best year of your life! I try not to get caught up in making silly new years resolutions that I never intend to keep.  It only leads to disappointment  15 days later.   (smile) Looking back on my life and I can see several years where I …Continue reading

10 Ways To Feel Mentally Young Again

Remember when you were young and everything in the world was fresh and new? Life was more exciting and full of promise.  I believed I would change the world, and even though I have embarked on a career that has helped many people, when I was a child possibilities were limitless. One of the amazing …Continue reading

Simply Raw – The Raw Food Diet

Can Raw Food Cure Diabetes? That was the question that the documentary Raw for 30 Days – (DVD) set out to prove. I was told about this film back in Jun 2008 (I wrote about it here) back when it was still in production. The basic principle is this:  Take six real people with “incurable …Continue reading

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