Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Self Improvement

Announcing The Law of Attraction Contest – Where Everyone Wins!

In celebration of 11 / 11 in 2008,  I am giving away great law of attraction products in the one of a kind, law of attraction contest where everyone who enters is a guaranteed winner! Enter The Contest Here Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to find out about the HUGE 1 DAY …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction – The Dark Side

I have to admit, the law of attraction stung me today and it’s all my fault. You see, just because I wrote a best selling course on the Law of Attraction, doesn’t mean that I am immune from mistakes of my own!  I find it a bit funny though, since I covered this specific topic …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction – Positive Creation

The Law of Attraction has set me free in a way that most don’t seem to understand.   You see, I don’t JUST use the law of attraction to manifest money, or health, or things.  I use it to create my life. Let me explain with a real world example of something that is taking place …Continue reading

Conversational Hypnosis Gives You Power Over People

I had to seriously think hard before sending this to you today. Conversational Hypnosis YES – this is controversial ….and it might unsettle you. But it is the truth… and it is happening now. So here goes… Conversational Hypnosis Three Sunday’s ago I attended the fair in Cashmere Washington. I had no idea that I …Continue reading

A Lesson in The Law of Attraction From A 9 Year Old!

My 9 Year Old Teaches All of Us A Lesson In The Law of Attraction As a parent, I have learned a lot about life from my three children.  This Saturday, my nine year old son, Logan, showed me the difference in thinking between children and adults. It was a HUGE lesson for me… and …Continue reading

Your Habits Determine Your Success And Failures In Life

It could be said that your successes and failures in life depend upon this one thing. Your Habits! As you sit and read this, everything about you has been created by yesterday’s habits. No, I am not talking about bad habits such as smoking.  I am talking about the habits that make up everyday life.  …Continue reading

Shocking Dairy Detox – This will blow your mind!

I am not a vegan… and not a vegetarian. I don’t have any strange eating habits . But I have been a milk drinking, cheese eating dairy lover since I was a small child. I grew up drinking milk every single day in my breakfast cereal and as a snack after school and the drink …Continue reading

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