Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Living In The Moment

Thoughts Create Your Reality! – New Years Eve!

Hard to believe that 2015 is hours away from being behind us. It’s the time to set resolutions for the New Year. My resolution is to be more active on this blog.  I miss all of you and writing posts here help me as much as they do anyone else. What do you hope to …Continue reading

You Reap What You Sow

Most of us are familiar with this saying.  It is loosely taken from the bible (Galationas 6: 7-9). Most people only apply this to a negative aspect of someone’s life.  For example if someone wasted their life on booze and drugs and they are found dead in a ditch one day someone may say “you …Continue reading

How to get what you really want from life

How do you get what you really want from life?   This may be the most important question you ever ask yourself.  Whatever you do, do not pass this by unless you are completely happy and fulfilled and living a truly amazing life. The first step to getting what you really want out of life  is often …Continue reading

You are the world

Everything you do today is affecting the world around you.  Yes, the law of attraction will attract to you based on your words, feelings and actions, but it is much larger than simply this.  You are affecting the world around you. What this means is that your words, feelings and actions are changing the world.  …Continue reading

The Longest Day

Yesterday I wrote about living in the moment.   I did this off and on throughout the day, having at least a dozen “in the moment” experiences and something strange happened. I had a HIGHLY productive day.  Far more productive than normal, even though I was taking time to stop and be in the moment. I …Continue reading

There are no Ordinary Moments

Standing on the steps at my front door, I notice a big fat bumble bee.  He is a busy bee indeed, going from flower to flower crawling around inside each flower for a second and then on to the next flower. I am totally engrossed in the beauty of this moment.  Time stands still.  The …Continue reading
