Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

You Reap What You Sow

Most of us are familiar with this saying.  It is loosely taken from the bible (Galationas 6: 7-9).

Most people only apply this to a negative aspect of someone’s life.  For example if someone wasted their life on booze and drugs and they are found dead in a ditch one day someone may say “you reap what you sow)

If a parent is never there for his or her children and then later in life needs help but their children are unwilling, one may say he or she “reaped what they sowed”.

But have you ever thought of the positive applications of this?

What are you sowing in your life right now?  Are you putting out positive and productive thoughts for your own future?  Are you practicing self development and working toward a better life for yourself?

If you use a Manifesting Card to attract goodness (health, wealth, etc) into your life, you will be sowing the seeds for something good and someday soon you will “reap what you sow”.

When you win a contest it may seem like luck, but it also is “reaping what you sow”.  If you land a high paying job that you love, that is “reaping what you sow”.  When you find the right person and fall deeply in love, you “reap what you sow.”  Having a happy and healthy family is a wonderful example of “reaping what you sow”.

If you want more from life than you are presently experiencing, ask yourself one simple question:

What am I sowing today?


September 25, 2013 This post was written by Categories: Create Your Dream LifeGood MoodHealthy LifestyleLaw of AttractionLiving In The MomentManifestingManifesting CardsMore MoneyMotivationalPositivitySelf DevelopmentSelf ImprovementStop Wanting and Start HavingWords of Wisom Tagged with:
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