Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Law of Attraction

Readers Write: How Not To Manifest A New Job

John Derrick Answers Questions . To ask me a question, please sign up for my weekly newsletter (don’t worry, I promise you no spam) and then send me your question. I will only use the first name of the person who asks the question, unless I am instructed otherwise in writing. This weeks question comes …Continue reading

Readers Write: Manifesting Money

I have been encouraging readers of my newsletter to write me questions. I select the best questions that I feel will benefit others and I answer them here. . To ask me a question, please sign up for my weekly newsletter (don’t worry, I dislike spam as much as you do) and then send me …Continue reading

Master The Secret Of Letting Go – With Huge Free Bonus

I am excited to be able to bring this special offer to all of you.  My friend Guy Finley has written a beautiful new book  called Letting Go: A Little Bit at a Time — and it presents a radical new approach to help you realize the true abundance, success, and deep love we all …Continue reading

Readers Write: Using The Law of Attraction To Pass A Test

I have been encouraging readers of my newsletter to write me questions.  I select the best questions that I feel will benefit others and I answer them here. . To ask me a question, please sign up for my weekly newsletter (don’t worry, I dislike spam as much as you do) and then send me …Continue reading

Positive or Negative? How do you measure?

I went to the post office to mail off a special package for one of my readers who lives in Quebec today.   She was the nicest lady.  Just talking to her on the phone put me in a better than usual mood. When I entered the post office the woman behind the counter asked, “How …Continue reading

Which is in Control, The Conscious or Subconscious Mind?

Deb wrote in to ask me this important question. “Which is in control, the conscious mind or the subconscious mind?” It is a good question, with an answer that will most likely surprise you. Your conscious mind is that part of your mind that you are aware of.  It is what you use to decide …Continue reading

Bob Proctors The 11 Forgotten Laws? Not So Fast!

The 11 Forgotten Laws? . The 11 forgotten laws seminar with Bob Proctor is now over.  I saw that a lot of you attended using the free passes that I gave away. I am curious as to what everyone thought about it? You can see some of video clips here and read about the product …Continue reading

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