Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Law of Attraction

Warning: Daily Affirmations Can Actually Cause More Harm Than Good! Learn Secret Ingredient That Makes Affirmations Work For You.

Do Affirmations work? Yes and No. Can they actually backfire? Yes. Let me explain: The two most powerful times to use a daily affirmation is when you first wake up before you get out of bed, and the last thought you have just before you go off to sleep. Those are the best times to …Continue reading

John returns from a long quest for happiness!

For over a month (41 days to be exact) I have been on a journey of self discovery. A quest to find happiness…  with surprising results! First off, I am lucky enough to have discovered how to make money on the internet even when I am nowhere near a computer.   Using the techniques found in …Continue reading

Using The Law of Attraction For Health Can Have Surprising Results

Each night before I go to bed I use my Manifesting Card to shape my personal world around me.  For the last few months, one of the things I have written on my Manifesting Card is a statement where I am thankful for my perfect health. When I read the card I allow myself to …Continue reading

Desire – The Power of Desire

Desire. Many people are afraid to acknowledge their desires, because they are afraid of disappointment.  Some even attempt to suppress their desires. There is nothing wrong with having desires. In fact, if you didn’t have any desires, you wouldn’t do anything.  It is the desire to be fed the leads you to eat. We all …Continue reading

Important Free Video & Free Gift For You

I have a Great Video & Free Gift for you today! Adrian, from Law to Success,  was asked what he thought was the number #1 thing that determines how YOUR life turns out, and whether or not you succeed. His answer was spot on. I have to admit, I did think the first bit of …Continue reading

Silva… The One Thing I Never Did.

There is one piece of advice that I never took… When I first began on the path of self development one of the first teachers I was introduced to was Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I have a deep respect for Dr Dyer and found his spiritual teachings uplifting, but one piece of advice he gave me …Continue reading

Odds Are, You Are Richer Than You Think!

I can’t speak for everyone who reads this, but odds are you are richer than you think. With all the negative news about the economy, and people losing their jobs, there is a lot of fear out there right now, which is why I choose to look at my life from a slightly different angle… …Continue reading

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