Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Feels Good

How the Law of Attraction Saved My Life

I was asked the other day to explain how the law of attraction has changed my life.  She wanted to know beyond the money and on a deeper level, how has my life been changed. I must tell you that I didn’t begin by learning what is called “The Law of Attraction”.  In fact my …Continue reading

Being in Service Of Others

Service is the rent you pay for room on this planet. -Shirley Chisholm

Perception is everything…

All of us see the world differently, because people see what they want to see. If you wanted to break it down it would require a complicated formula that took into account your childhood, value system, religious beliefs, every influence in your life and your genetic makeup. Yeah… that would be one complicated formula. When …Continue reading

Recover Deleted Photos From Memory Camera’s Memory Card – Photo-Saver

Yesterday I accidentally formatted the memory card (SD Card) for my Canon camera.  I thought I had lost all the photos on it, but I found Photo Saver and I was able to recover them ALL! You may have noticed that I didn’t post to this site yesterday.  In part it was because I was …Continue reading

Free Game Online Allows You You To Save Lives

I meet people from all walks of life who say that they want to help make the world a better place,, but that they simply can not afford to donate money to the causes they believe in. There has been no easy answer…. until now! This is an amazing opportunity. The Free Rice Game  For …Continue reading

An Attitide of Gratitude or Act of Compassion? You Decide!

When Laurie told me this heart warming story, I asked her if I could share it with everyone on my site.  She quickly agreed and she asked me to share her website with everyone also. Laurie’s website shows you how to keep a Daily Gratitude Journal On Your Computer “This morning, the kids and I …Continue reading

Discover Why The Law of Attraction Is Not Working For Most People

I apologize if these words seem a bit harsh, but I think you deserve the truth. There seems to be a new trend emerging in the field of the Law of Attraction. The trend goes something like this: “Dear John, I have been thinking about [insert thing of desire here] every night for 3 weeks …Continue reading

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