Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

Feels Good

The Law of Attraction – The Dark Side

I have to admit, the law of attraction stung me today and it’s all my fault. You see, just because I wrote a best selling course on the Law of Attraction, doesn’t mean that I am immune from mistakes of my own!  I find it a bit funny though, since I covered this specific topic …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction – Positive Creation

The Law of Attraction has set me free in a way that most don’t seem to understand.   You see, I don’t JUST use the law of attraction to manifest money, or health, or things.  I use it to create my life. Let me explain with a real world example of something that is taking place …Continue reading

Inspirational Films by Spiritual Cinema Circle

Spiritual Cinema Circle Take a moment to remember watching a movie that made you FEEL GOOD. The kind of movie that touched you deeply and stuck with you weeks after watching it. A movie like What The Bleep, The Secret, or King of California. What if I told you that there were dozens of such …Continue reading

Shocking Dairy Detox – This will blow your mind!

I am not a vegan… and not a vegetarian. I don’t have any strange eating habits . But I have been a milk drinking, cheese eating dairy lover since I was a small child. I grew up drinking milk every single day in my breakfast cereal and as a snack after school and the drink …Continue reading

Improve Your Mood Immediatlely With Binaural Beats

Ever been too grumpy to feel good? Feeling good is of course a positive power in your life.  Feeling peace, love and joy, is good for your body because it lowers your blood pressure and releases chemicals inside your body that makes it generally run better. The law of attraction tells us that we are …Continue reading

Pictures of YellowStone National Park – My Road Trip.

(There is a Surprise for you at the end of this post) I wanted to share some of the photos I snapped while on my family trip to Yellowstone National Park.   They are all taken with my humble point and shoot Canon SD600.  Those of you who know, that means this camera only has a …Continue reading

Money in your pocket – Yellowstone and more.

Oh my gosh there is so much going on here that I don’t know where to begin. It’s been two weeks since my last post here.  It’s amazing how fast time goes by. I am back from my family vacation to Yellowstone National park.  We had a blast!  There was a lot more there to …Continue reading

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