Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income


I Am A Winner! (Now You Say It)

You are a fantastic person and are getting better everyday. How often do you hear that? Not often enough, I am sure. Most of us are too hard on ourselves and we spend far too much time focusing on the one thing we did wrong that day and forget to praise all the wonderful things …Continue reading

38th Birthday Huge Sale is Now CLOSED FOREVER

Just wanted to get an update on here to let everyone know that the 24 hour, huge sale to celebrate my 38th birthday is now CLOSED. It was a HUGE success…   Thank You to everyone involved. The sale may be closed, but Things are STILL absolutely CRAZY around here. I have answered 624 support tickets …Continue reading

How the Law of Attraction Saved My Life

I was asked the other day to explain how the law of attraction has changed my life.  She wanted to know beyond the money and on a deeper level, how has my life been changed. I must tell you that I didn’t begin by learning what is called “The Law of Attraction”.  In fact my …Continue reading

Two Men… Two Points of View… The Problem With The World!

Shocking Weight Loss Secret WARNING: The language in this post contains profanity. This is an actual conversion between two men and I didn’t want to censor it. I have captured it to the best of my ability exactly the way it happened. There were two men on either side of a gas pump, each filling …Continue reading

An Attitide of Gratitude or Act of Compassion? You Decide!

When Laurie told me this heart warming story, I asked her if I could share it with everyone on my site.  She quickly agreed and she asked me to share her website with everyone also. Laurie’s website shows you how to keep a Daily Gratitude Journal On Your Computer “This morning, the kids and I …Continue reading

Compassion Cures Most Problems!

Nearly every major problem that afflicts our population as a whole, can be viewed as a problem caused by over population. There are simply too many people. Pesticides , food additives and preservatives, none of those would be needed if we didn’t have such a large population to feed, spread out over such a large …Continue reading
