Law of Attraction – Self Development – Spirituality & Internet Income

October, 2008

Simply Raw – The Raw Food Diet

Can Raw Food Cure Diabetes? That was the question that the documentary Raw for 30 Days – (DVD) set out to prove. I was told about this film back in Jun 2008 (I wrote about it here) back when it was still in production. The basic principle is this:  Take six real people with “incurable …Continue reading

Announcing The Law of Attraction Contest – Where Everyone Wins!

In celebration of 11 / 11 in 2008,  I am giving away great law of attraction products in the one of a kind, law of attraction contest where everyone who enters is a guaranteed winner! Enter The Contest Here Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to find out about the HUGE 1 DAY …Continue reading

Waaay Too Much Junk Email = Lost Emails?

Take a look at how many unread emails I have!  That’s almost two thousand emails in 3 days. My Junk Folder is incredibly large with nearly forty thousand emails.  Even assuming that 99% of them really are spam, that means that 1% of them may be legitimate emails from people who have taken the time …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction – The Dark Side

I have to admit, the law of attraction stung me today and it’s all my fault. You see, just because I wrote a best selling course on the Law of Attraction, doesn’t mean that I am immune from mistakes of my own!  I find it a bit funny though, since I covered this specific topic …Continue reading

The Law of Attraction – Positive Creation

The Law of Attraction has set me free in a way that most don’t seem to understand.   You see, I don’t JUST use the law of attraction to manifest money, or health, or things.  I use it to create my life. Let me explain with a real world example of something that is taking place …Continue reading

Inspirational Films by Spiritual Cinema Circle

Spiritual Cinema Circle Take a moment to remember watching a movie that made you FEEL GOOD. The kind of movie that touched you deeply and stuck with you weeks after watching it. A movie like What The Bleep, The Secret, or King of California. What if I told you that there were dozens of such …Continue reading

Conversational Hypnosis Gives You Power Over People

I had to seriously think hard before sending this to you today. Conversational Hypnosis YES – this is controversial ….and it might unsettle you. But it is the truth… and it is happening now. So here goes… Conversational Hypnosis Three Sunday’s ago I attended the fair in Cashmere Washington. I had no idea that I …Continue reading
