Weight Loss & Fitness
Health benefits of meditation
Meditation is very good for your mind and body. Here are just a few of the health benefits (taken from Extraordinary Health Meditation) Reducing and Controlling Blood Pressure Murphy and Donovan, The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation, Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1997 Chronic Pain Reduced more than 50% Kabat-Zinn, Clinical Journal of Pain …
Happy Healthy New Year!!
Happy New Year {!firstname_fix} May the new year bring you health and happiness! The easiest way to find and keep incredible health well into your fifties, sixties and beyond retirement can be found here: Extraordinary Health If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. It’s an easy to listen to guided audio that …
The Easy Way to Drop Weight Naturally
The Easy Way To Drop Weight Naturally Winter holidays filled with food and drink have a way of putting some extra pounds (and inches) onto our waistlines. Everyone knows that “dieting” doesn’t work, and usually ends up adding more weight than it ever took off. Besides, dieting is always temporary. So if you want to …